Taiwan Association of Child Development and Early Intervention(TACDEI)
Historical Background
On June 1, 1996 in Hualien City of eastern Taiwan, Dr. Huang-Tsung Kuo and a group of specialists participating in an early intervention works for children with developmental delays established a nonprofit organization called the “Taiwan Association of Child Development and Early Intervention (TACDEI)”. This Association was based on the conception of providing early intervention services for developmental delayed children and their families through passionate and earnest working attitude. The services have been carried out by a multi-disciplinary team consisted of preschool and special education teachers, social workers, administrators and medical staffs. It was hoped that through the coordinated work of specialists from various fields, the early intervention programs for children with developmental delays in Taiwan will be further advanced and the service system and its philosophy will be firmly established at the fastest pace.
During the past 25 years, the board of directors has been reorganized for eight times and currently Professor Nai-Wen Chang is serving as the board chairman of the eighth term. A total of 20 directors and inspectors serve in each tenure of the board to plan and execute proper activities for the Association. They are all outstanding specialists in the field of early intervention programs in Taiwan. In addition to promoting the right of children with delayed development, the Association has also initiated several early intervention related programs to serve the children with delayed development nationwide, organized symposium on special topics, and conducted training lectures or workshops for its members in order to uplift their professional skills. Moreover, the Association was also in charge of identification and early transition program for developmental delayed children in Nantou, Taitung and Hualien Counties as the “sole-authorized” organization.
The early intervention centers and community services offices set up by the Association in each of Nantou, Taitung and Hualien Counties are in rural areas in Taiwan offering direct services to target children in each county every year. The accessibility and locality of the treatment resources available to the parents are the primary concerns in organizing these direct service cases in order to reduce the potential problems that might affect both parents and children arising from the limitation in transportation facilities in these remote areas. “To deepen the level of early treatment and to take good care for developmental delayed children in the remote area” is its sacred mission, while the other striving goal of the Association would be sharing the experiences of direct services and transforming them into academic findings.
Main Objectives
To educate the general public to recognize the concept of early treatment and intervention for children with developmental delays or those facing high risks of developing this problem.
To integrate all social resources in order to assist the early intervention programs for children with or facing the problem of developmental delays.
To help develop a life-long career plan for children with development delays and their families.
To establish service stations equipped with sufficient resources to provide consultation and transition programs for children with developmental delays.
To plan and publish books and other printed matters related to early intervention programs for children with developmental delays.
To engage in other services related to the main concerns of the Association.
Future Outlook
TACDEI is well prepared to introduce and execute more cost efficient early intervention program for children with developmental delays. TACDEI is also looking forward to a more close contact and cooperation between the specialists and children with developmental delays as well as their families in order to upgrade their living qualities. Through the promotion of issues related to the enhancement of early intervention program, it is hoping that the whole society in Taiwan would be more concerned with children’s health, education, welfare and other related maters. It is firmly believed that the foregoing approaches will finally transform Taiwan into a real paradise of children.
Mail: No. 36, Ln. 107, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng Rd., Ji’an Township,Hualien County 973, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Website: www.tacdei.org.tw
E-Mail: tacdei@tacdei.org.tw
Telephone:+886-38523355, +886-968353739
(一)專業與實務組合 結合 早期介入之醫療、教育、社福三大系統的人員為會員,既有專業學術團體的特質,又有直接服務的工作同仁,是目前台灣遲緩兒童早期介入服務之公益團體中,組成 至為特殊的一個非營利組織。
(二)快樂做早療 一 群熱心參與協會、關懷遲緩兒童各項服務的理監事,及三百多名早期介入各領域的會員,和南投、台東、花蓮等三辦事處五十多名同仁,一起組合成本會的成員。 「快樂做早療」是我們追求的態度!雖然直接提供療育和社會工作的伙伴,一點都不輕鬆!但是大家在自己的崗位上努力工作,在工作裡成長,體會快樂是來自於服 務、陪伴的孩子變得更棒的喜悅,實踐了專業的堅持與付出後,在早療的園地裡,大手牽小手一起耕耘,這種有淚、有笑,交織的快樂,別有一番滋味在心頭。
(三)早療論文發表大會 從2000年起,全國發展 遲緩兒童早期療育跨專業實務研討暨學術發表(簡稱早療論文發表大會)是協會持續辦理的年度盛會。 早療論文發表大會逐漸成為研究所學生和臨床實務者,將早期介入當作一門學術看待,同時也是實務界伙伴藉機會發表舞台。大會中經常邀請國內外早期介入領域中 的菁英和國外知名專家蒞臨分享。
(四)早期療育績優服務人員「棕櫚獎」 從2003年,本會每年9-10月 前後,會為國內所有從事早期介入服務的伙伴,搭起一座肯定.喝 采和崇高敬意的舞台,能受頒早療棕櫚獎的傑出工作伙伴,在早療的路上都像一盞盞星光,點亮了弱勢兒童療育的天空,在各個角落辛勤付出與貢獻。
(五)區域論壇 2008年起,邀集早療伙伴一起討論目前大家關心的議題, 而這些議題以正反兩方意見的、容易有「迷失」的療育議題為討論內容。 2009年以區域論壇方式進行,將國內兒童發展篩檢和IFSP服 務為議題,2010年以發展遲緩兒童早期療育實證服務探討 兒童發展篩檢, 2011年則是針對早期療育幼兒轉銜議題做 為探討,2012年邀請各領域專業人員以跨專業合作與展望 為議題做討論, 2013 年以通報個管服務系統現況及 展望作為議題發起各地的討論。
(六)成立偏遠地區社區早療據點,並推展到宅療育服務 2004年起在南投縣國姓、竹山、埔里、南投等地,把療育服務社區化; 2007年5月 在花蓮中南區成立「瑞穗兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」(2021移至玉里鎮成立玉里兒童暨家庭社區服務據點); 2009年2月於南投埔里成立「水沙連兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」; 2010年1月 於台東成立「太麻里兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」(2021年改名為小飛鼠兒童暨家庭社區服務據點); 2010年2月於台東成立「延平兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」(2016移至關山鎮成立關山兒童暨家庭社區服務據點); 2010年8月於花蓮成立「鳳林兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」(2012移至西林並更名為萬榮兒童暨家庭部落社區服務據點); 2010年8月成立「南投縣早期療育中心」; 2012年4月成立「大水里兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」; 2016年8月 成立親子樂活堡兒童發展中心; 2016年12月起承接「台東縣兒童發展中心」; 2019年起承辦「花蓮縣兒童發展(日托)中心」; 2020年於蘭嶼、綠島成立「離島兒童暨家庭社區服務據點」。
據點提供社區內遲緩兒童療育服務、弱勢家庭 兒童臨託喘息服務、家長療育DIY、兒童繪本共讀、兒童課後輔導(低年級資源班)和社區多樣化活動,落實「深耕早療、嘉惠偏遠地區兒童」的組織任務,各療育中心也朝著社區融合的方向經營。自2007年起在花蓮、台東、南投三地,針對交通、經濟、照顧人力、親職能力不足的家庭,提供到宅的服務,除了及時讓早療服務介入外,也提供現場的諮詢、示範及輔導,發揮家庭在早期介入中的角色功能,期能讓孩子在自然環境中接受早期介入。
電子信箱: tacdei@tacdei.org.tw 臉書FB粉絲頁: 早療慢飛天使 地 址:973花蓮縣吉安鄉中正路二段107巷36號; 542南投縣草屯鎮碧山路887號(南投聯絡處) 電 話:03-8523355分機12 、0968-353739(南投聯絡處) 傳真:03-8522185 郵局劃撥:06640020 銀行:花蓮二信216 帳號:06000 10000 4224 戶名:臺灣兒童發展早期療育協會
[交通資訊] 從吉安火車站途經南埔八街200巷和中正路二段105 巷後,監理站對面107巷進入,看到右手邊的早療協會花蓮辦事處,交通順暢時 3 分鐘可抵達。