作家 / 早療協會 報導
感謝台灣大哥大日月潭花火音樂會{Gen. AI 綻燃•愛},特邀早療協會參與音樂盛事,這也代表著早療協會開啟了,慢飛家庭一起走進生活,享受生活感動! 本會因應音樂會{Gen. AI 綻燃•愛}主題,邀請 協會 愛(ai)主播 一起呼籲大眾認識早療;理解早療;接納早療;支持早療! 我們共同付出的療癒力量都能支持著我們無限下一代的未來! 也期許未來藉由AI科技的發展,讓療育量能優化進步,早療協會不忘初衷,為兒童健康發展服務!
以下為台灣大哥大日月潭花火音樂會{Gen. AI 綻燃•愛}轉貼分享!
\把愛綻放!支持早療慢飛天使💪/ 音樂會正式倒數14天,
兩週後就能在日月潭湖畔與大家相見, 你們儲備好能量,在音樂的多重宇宙把愛點燃了嗎?🔥🔥
今年的台灣大哥大日月潭花火音樂會{Gen. AI 綻燃•愛}, 我們也特別邀請在地公益團隊「臺灣兒童發展早期療育協會」到場, 分享在南投與全台偏鄉如何提供「慢飛天使」的專業照顧—— 期待透過機構越早介入陪伴,更能支持孩子和家庭的穩定發展!
而在這個療癒的連假裡, 早療協會特派最近開發的專業AI夥伴, 分享孩子的療癒成長~ 屆時,也希望能和你一起累積愛的能量, 為每個特別的孩子加持💪 - 🤝 Meet Our Partner Charity: Taiwan Association of Child Development and Early Intervention (TACDEI) 🌟
At the Taiwan Mobile Sun Moon Lake Fireworks Concert, we believe in the power of music to bring people together and make a positive impact. That's why we are proud to partner with an incredible charity that shares our vision.
🌼 About Our Partner Charity 🌼
"發展遲緩兒童不是個別家庭的負擔,而是整體社會應該相互扶持的責任。" Their mission is to support children with developmental delays, recognizing that every child is special and a treasure not just to their parents but to all of humanity. Children may face developmental challenges for various reasons, but it's our shared responsibility as a society to provide the support they need. Early intervention is a crucial step in helping these children reach their full potential, and it's also a way to support their families during these challenges.
🌐 Learn More 🌐
Visit the Taiwan Association of Child Development and Early Intervention (TACDEI) website or Facebook to learn more about the incredible work they do👀 -
台灣大哥大日月潭花火音樂會 {Gen. AI 綻燃•愛} |時間|2023/10/21(六)19:00 免費入場 |地點|日月潭水社中興停車場(南投縣魚池鄉中山路163號) |現場捐款滿額贈好禮| 🧡參與單位: 早療慢飛天使 臺灣兒童發展早期療育協會 🧡現場可透過台灣大哥大門號手機直撥 [5180105] 完成捐款 🧡現場捐款滿1,000元即有機會入座搖滾席(數量有限,歡迎到場支持) ※入座搖滾區辦法請詳精選貼文。 ※主辦單位保有異動節目之權利